Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Hello from Ridge Haven!


Hello from Ridge Haven!

We are so excited for our summer season once again as we begin our second week of camp today! This will be our largest summer staff ever, which will be great to handle our very full summer! We look forward to all that the Lord will do in the hearts and lives of all who set foot on campus at Brevard or Cono this summer. Below is our list of camp weeks:

Week 1 – May 27-June 1: Junior, Junior High, Senior High
Week 2 – June 3-8: Junior, Junior High, Service Project Camp
Week 3 – June 10-15: Junior, Junior High, Senior High and Summer Retreat
Week 4 – June 17-22: Family Camp, Service Project Camp
Week 5 – June 24-29: Junior, Junior High, Senior High and Summer Retreat
Week 6 – July 1-6: Family Camp
Week 7 – July 8-13: Junior, Junior High, Senior High
Week 8 – July 15-20: Junior, Great Adventure Week
Week 9 – July 22-27: Service Project Camp
Week 10 – July 29-Aug 3: Family Camp, Junior, Junior High

Week 11 – August 5-10: Junior, Junior High, Senior High

In addition, we host groups each week of the summer that bring in another couple thousand guests!

June 3-8: American Heritage Girls Camp
June 10-15: Iowa Presbytery Camp
June 17-22: Naperville High School, PCA
June 24-29: Junior, Junior High, Senior High
July 8-13: Naperville Middle School, PCA
July 15-20: Northern Illinois Presbytery Camp
July 22-27: SCCS and Covenant PCA, St. Louis
July 29-Aug 3: Illiana Presbytery Camp

Would you join us in praying for each camper and guest that attends Ridge Haven this summer? Pray that they would leave knowing the Lord better than when they came. We also need prayer for our Summer Staff and the work they will be doing here this summer. What a blessing that there are high school and college students who would give up their Summer to serve at Ridge Haven!


This Spring we hosted groups including Middle and High School retreats, Men and Women's retreats, CDM's annual Children's Leadership conference, family reunions, and more. Spring is a beautiful time at Ridge Haven as the weather warms up and the leaves start to appear again!


Construction is currently underway for a pool at our Cono Campus! We are so excited to finally have this option for our campers and guests during the hot summers on the plains of Iowa.


Registration is still open for our 2024 camp season, and we still have space available in many of our weeks! Please join us in praying for our campers, that the Lord would prepare their hearts to draw closer to Him. If you are interested in joining us at camp, we would absolutely love to have you or your family join us again!



A big part of what makes Ridge Haven Camps so memorable for summer campers and guests alike is the godly and dedicated summer staff members serving them. We are so encouraged at the group of people that the Lord provided for our staff this summer! Please pray that the Lord would equip our entire staff with everything we need to love and serve the campers and guests all summer.



As our summer camp weeks continue, we would appreciate your prayers for safe, gospel-focused ministry to take place this Summer. Please join with us in praying for the work that our staff will do during their time here - that it would be life giving to them and all of the campers they come into contact with. Pray for the speakers who will be delivering the Word of God to our campers each week, and pray for each camper's life to be changed by the Lord during their time at camp.

Todd and Jessie Fleming
What years were you on staff at Ridge Haven? 
We joined the Ridge Haven staff in the summer of 2012 (a few weeks after graduating college and getting married) as full time interns. We lived on campus and had various roles until 2017 when we moved across the state. I remained on staff while Todd was in school until our twins arrived in 2020.

Where do you live and what are you doing currently?
We live in Norfolk, VA. Todd is an ophthalmology resident here in Eastern VA. I get to spend my days exploring, learning and growing alongside our 4 kids. 

What is your favorite Ridge Haven memory?
Too many great memories to declare a favorite! But some that come to mind are: The hype of the first night of camp for both staff and campers at the night game; camp-wide worship atop Keyes Summit; summer staff skate-rink parties; Keenagers talent show; the countless hikes around the low ropes course with people of all ages and stages; sharing our testimonies at staff training; being assigned bed-making duty during housekeeping; watching the leaves turn color in fall; the legendary Life's a Happy Song dance.

What is one thing the Lord taught you during your time on staff here?
Our years serving on staff at Ridge Haven were marked by serious growth! In so many ways, my own limitations, failures, and immaturity felt to be on full display. But by the amazing grace of God, these short-comings didn't lead to shame and despondency--rather, my dependency on and trust in my heavenly Father was increased. That humility was a gift! The good news of the gospel became richer and deeper. My worship of a Holy God who is full of mercy and steadfast love became more genuine. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)  

In short, God used our time on staff at RH as a testimony to His goodness and glory--and ministered to the health of our souls in the process. Thanks be to God!

Would you like to partner with us here at Ridge Haven? We always have opportunities for people to volunteer, donate, or support our ministry, and we would love to talk with you more about how to do that. Click the link below for more information about how to make an end of year donation, or email ridgehaven@ridgehaven.org for more ways that you can partner with us.

Click HERE to visit our website and learn more about what's going on at Ridge Haven.


Retreat Services
Copyright © 2020, Ridge Haven Inc., All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
215 Ridge Haven Rd.
Brevard, NC 28712