Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Brevard Ridge Haven Prayer Emergency

Brothers and sister of faith:
I just received an urgent prayer request from Wallace Anderson,  Ridge Haven's Director. This snow storm hit the camp very hard, with power lines down, no power, trees falling. Pray for safety for all the staff. The temperature is dropping to teens tonight,  and staff is desperately draining the pipes before they freeze. There is significant other damages as well. Please pray now for this situation and pass this along as you can.

Your partner in love for Ridge Haven ministries and prayer partner. 

Andy White for the Board

LATEST UPDATE: As of yesterday (Tuesday), power has been restored to the Brevard campus and damage is limited. Trees and roads still need clearing, but after today, temperatures should be above freezing for most of the remainder of this week. THANKS for praying.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Untouched Classroom Relics

This story just warms my heart, not only because I was taught on chalk boards by my Great Aunt Marian (Gardner) Draper but seeing what looks so very similar to her hand writing has the Belz family believe that the teacher who wrote on these very blackboards could in fact be her teacher. 

The blackboards were discovered in Oklahoma when Emerson High School was going through a remodel and contractors found them behind other blackboards in vibrant condition, with the year 1917 written on them. This blast from the past was written and drawn over 100 years ago!

To view more photos and read the entire story, please click HERE and enjoy stepping back in time to view true American history. 

Mrs. Draper was an incredible teacher, and we knew it at the time. She was determined to make her students proficient in math, spelling and everything else she taught. What a gifted woman. She had a difficult life, but was more influential than the rich and famous of the day. Anyone who sat in her classroom still appreciates her greatly. I got tears in my eyes as I looked at these pictures, remembering her. She was quiet and humble, yet changed so many lives. - Mark Belz

I'd love to hear your stories of past Cono teachers and the impact they made on you. 
Please email me at or you can send me a message on Facebook.