Monday, July 26, 2021

82 Kids on Campus This Week!

 This week we have 82 on campus for camps … next week is only 53, but hey, we love it. The picture below is from one week ago, our first week of full summer camp. Kids had just played "The Greatest Game Ever."

Please pray as we are meeting with new families re: their kids joining us this fall. We are not going to do elementary school this year as we have a group of 4-5 families that are going to use our campus for a homeschool coop. In exchange, the leader who was a science teacher is going to teach our science once a week.


This summer has been amazing… the Lord has so provided.

Thank you all again for your prayers, vision, support, and care, 

Wallace Anderson, Exec. Director, Ridge Haven Cono


Workers Volunteering

Volunteers in the last weeks have been insulating the camper cabins. These folks are from a group called "Sowers." What a blessing they are.

School will be opening for a second straight year in the fall.

Donate online HERE to keep Cono serving young people.

Designate for Ridge Haven Cono.


Mailing address for checks written out to:

RH Cono, 215 Ridge Haven Road, Brevard, NC 28712

Why I Still Support Cono

 Mary Anna and I still love to support Cono because kids are still the focus. This is a picture of the day camp kids during the month of June. Praise the Lord for each one of these young souls, hanging out on the rock that I climbed as a kid over 60 years ago. And THANK YOU to those are already supporting. - Andrew Belz

And I loved this one I got from Cono, with this caption:

"Day campers learning what a testimony is..."

and workers still volunteering...

Ed and Linda Comers building a pallet shelf for the campus. They are one couple

of several traveling volunteers who come to help.

This is our first summer having eight full time Camp Summer Interns (CSI) at Cono for all eleven weeks of this summer's day camp and full camp. Here are the interns at Colfax Center PCA Church's 150th Anniversary, also with Wallace and Paige Anderson, and J Abels, a friend of Cono.


School will be opening for a second straight year in the fall.

Donate online HERE to keep Cono serving young people.

Designate for Ridge Haven Cono.


Mailing address for checks written out to:

RH Cono, 215 Ridge Haven Road, Brevard, NC 28712