Monday, September 7, 2020

Ridge Haven Prayer Partners

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord."    1 Corinthians 15:58 NASB

Greetings in the Name above all names, our Savior, Jesus Christ! Here is a new prayer update for you who have committed to hold our camp ministries up to the Lord. We often forget that prayer is an essential work unto the Lord.. And Paul reminds us at the close of this letter to be diligent, abounding in this work in the Lord.

The Ridge Haven Board meets this month, Monday [14th] to Wednesday [16th]. The Lord blessed our camp ministries this Summer, both at Ridge Haven Brevard, and Ridge Haven Cono, with no outbreaks of Covid19. The challenges on staff were tremendous to follow the strict guidelines of safety and separation, and we are grateful! Understandably registrations were down, and the Fall schedule is pretty quiet considering the realities of churches and organizations dealing with their own restrictions. This, of course, has greatly challenged our financial situation - fortunately we are holding our own thanks to the generosity of our partners.

The Board president, Dan Nielsen, has scheduled a particular prayer emphasis in our agenda this month, and has requested that our prayer team join us in prayer. As he reminded me in Acts 1, the first thing the Lord instructed the new church was to go to Jerusalem and wait and pray. The Board is seeking this same Spirit to give wisdom, planning, unity and encouragement to our staff, and the ministry of Ridge Haven.

So please join us as steadfast prayer partners the week of September 14.

Your love and prayer support for this ministry will be mightily blessed by our gracious God!

In the promises of God,
for the Board


J. Andrew White
423.943.3903 (c)