"Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us as well, that God may open up to us a door for the word..."
Colossians 4:2, 3a
I write to you as partners in prayer for Ridge Haven ministries, both in North Carolina and Iowa. Let us truly be devoted to this prayer partnership. Let us ask humbly, boldly for this advancement of His Kingdom.
1. Ridge Haven Brevard Winter Camp is December 28 to New Years Day. Junior and Senior Highs. Dr. Henry Krabbendam is the speaker.
2. Ridge Haven Brevard Winter Retreat #1 is January 17 to January 20.
3. Ridge Haven Brevard Winter Retreat #2 is February 14 to 17. Retreats include a variety of activities, both for the church groups, and large groups.
4. Ridge Haven Cono continues to reach out to new activities, including use of facilities for Winter and Spring.
5. New Brevard staff member Jorge Fogaca de Carvalho begins his administrative duties Jan. 1. Housing needs for this family of five, with the possibility of a new cabin.
6. Long time staff member Grace Hooper is leaving for a new teaching career in Nashville. She will be greatly missed!
7. Ridge Haven intern Quinton Tart is needing to help out at home with family needs. His sister recently died, then his grandfather. He had served us since August.
8. Ridge Haven Cono has a need for two young interns that could commit to living on the Cono campus year round. We also would like to have commitments for summer interns for Cono ministries.
9. Cono's long term maintenance worker, Ted Fangman, is undergoing radiation treatment for the next month. We are praying for his strength and healing.
10. Ridge Haven staff is having some well deserved rest and recovery before Winter Camp. This means time with their families and friends, and renewal with the Lord.
11. Ridge Haven ministries is so blessed also with our CSI counselors and interns. Pray for the recruitment needs, and blessings upon these servants of Christ.
12. As always, pray for opening doors of camp, retreat and conference opportunities with our churches and groups. For the Board and the staff's vision for Ridge Haven to be realized!
13. The Ridge Haven Board also needs prayer for wisdom, vision, unity and clarity as we work along side Wallace and his staff in planning and direction.
14. We are in the beginning phase of a new, exciting faith-step of a new financial campaign to add to our facilities and infrastructure at both camps as we are challenged by campuses' infrastructure needs, the reality a fallen world, and the great need of the Gospel for young people and adults. We are grateful for our financial partners who continue to share our vision with sacrificial gifts and prayer.
Such a long, challenging list! But our God is greater still! Thank you for coming along side Ridge Haven ministries in prayer. God is opening doors of opportunity at Ridge Haven campuses!
We rejoice in His birth, His death and resurrection, and His Kingdom!
In Christ's grace,
for the Board.
J. Andrew White
423.943.3903 (c)