Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Good Supper

"Good Supper!"
Eating meals together is a central memory for most of us when we think of Cono. As we get ready for Thanksgiving and eating together with those we love, remember to mark your calendars for a Cono reunion, July 5-6, 2019, where we can break bread together again. - Adrienne Belz McCrory

Photo: Saturday night supper, Spring 2008

Friday, November 16, 2018

Please watch for an update from Cono in your mail

Cono Updates in the works...

This is Mary, from Iowa City. Her smile says it all...she is the reason Ridge Haven Cono exists. (Pictures taken at Cono in July. Please look at our website and look for pictures of more campers and more activities. Click Here)

A paper mailing coming to your mailbox in the next few days is an update on all things Cono, including news of the Ridge Haven Cono board's visit to the campus in October. Please give attention to that when it arrives.


Cono Reunion set for July 5-6, 2019

The dates are set for us to gather at Cono for a reunion on July 5-6, 2019 (next summer). Please save those dates to be on campus. More details will follow.



Whether it is playing limbo, sliding down the Mount Cono water slide, we are all about kids being kids, enjoying each other as a way ‘to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.'

Our Contact Information
Ridge Haven Cono (www.ridgehaven.org)
3269 Quasqueton Ave.
Walker, IA 52352